Narrative Therapy offers tools identify discovery, building self esteem, and learning to trust oneself. It also can be a safe place of exploration for children who are still deciding who they are. Together with Andrea, they can begin to develop a framework, a story, and sense of self they feel at home in.
Today’s children face a rapidly changing world of information, stimulation, and experiences, all from within which they are also developing a sense of what is true about themselves and the world. Narrative therapy practices and narrative writing gives children way to explore their thoughts and feelings, to story arc out things that might otherwise be overwhelming and difficult to process, and to establish agency and a sense of self through the development of their stories.
My work is about helping young women and children still exploring their identities, to develop tools and skills which will help them lead more resilient lives with greater connectedness to themselves and greater access to their own gifts.
Narrative therapy is non-diagnostic and not traditional psychotherapy. It can be an excellent partner to traditional medicine.
Parents of children who have been diagnosed with anxiety, depression, ADHD, or other conditions can offer this information as a baseline for their sessions, and all sessions for children under 18 begin with a parent and child consultation session where we can set the landscape together.